The total area of large timber and sustainable forests is 11,929 hectares, of which the area of large timber forests is 8,184 hectares; the FSC certified sustainable forest is 3,745 hectares.
To implement the project of planting 1 billion new trees in the 2021-2025 period, the province has planted 9.2 million trees, equal to 113% of the phase’s plan. 8.8 million trees have been updated on Thai Nguyen SmartTrees tree management software which can export complete information data.
In 2024, the province strives to have an estimated concentrated afforestation area of 3,543 hectares (the assigned plan is 3,400 hectares); In the first 6 months of the year, 2,750 hectares of concentrated forest were planted, equal to 80.9% of the plan.