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Improving living quality in ethnic minority areas in Pho Yen city - Thai Nguyen New

Pho Yen city currently has over 20,600 ethnic minorities living, accounting for over 11% of the population with 5 communes and wards in mountainous ethnic areas. In recent years, the implementation of the Party and State's policies and guidelines, including ethnic work and ethnic policies in Pho Yen city, has achieved positive results, thus improving people's lives.

Improving living quality in ethnic minority areas in Pho Yen city - Thai Nguyen New

Improving living quality in ethnic minority areas in Pho Yen city - Thai Nguyen New

Pho Yen city currently has over 20,600 ethnic minorities living, accounting for over 11% of the population with 5 communes and wards in mountainous ethnic areas. In recent years, the implementation of the Party and State's policies and guidelines, including ethnic work and ethnic policies in Pho Yen city, has achieved positive results, thus improving people's lives.

9+ Training program: New directions for students after secondary school graduation - Thai Nguyen New

9+ Training program: New directions for students after secondary school graduation - Thai Nguyen New

Society is developing, learning models are also becoming more diverse. In recent years, post-secondary school programs have gradually received attention with many advantages in equipping knowledge and skills. Proud to be one of the pioneers in implementing new directives and orientations on streamlining students after secondary school, for many years, FPT Polytechnic High School and College - has built and applied a dedicated 9+ learning model after secondary school students.

Improving living quality in ethnic minority areas in Pho Yen city - Thai Nguyen New

Improving living quality in ethnic minority areas in Pho Yen city - Thai Nguyen New

Pho Yen city currently has over 20,600 ethnic minorities living, accounting for over 11% of the population with 5 communes and wards in mountainous ethnic areas. In recent years, the implementation of the Party and State's policies and guidelines, including ethnic work and ethnic policies in Pho Yen city, has achieved positive results, thus improving people's lives.

9+ Training program: New directions for students after secondary school graduation - Thai Nguyen New

9+ Training program: New directions for students after secondary school graduation - Thai Nguyen New

Society is developing, learning models are also becoming more diverse. In recent years, post-secondary school programs have gradually received attention with many advantages in equipping knowledge and skills. Proud to be one of the pioneers in implementing new directives and orientations on streamlining students after secondary school, for many years, FPT Polytechnic High School and College - has built and applied a dedicated 9+ learning model after secondary school students.

Dự án khí hậu của KOICA tại Thái Nguyên – Hứa hẹn nhiều ý nghĩa trong giai đoạn 2 – Inside Thai Nguyen

Dự án khí hậu của KOICA tại Thái Nguyên – Hứa hẹn nhiều ý nghĩa trong giai đoạn 2 – Inside Thai Nguyen

Construction of Ho Chi Minh Road Project, section of Chu - Trung Son junction – Thai Nguyen News 11/6/2024

Construction of Ho Chi Minh Road Project, section of Chu - Trung Son junction – Thai Nguyen News 11/6/2024

On June 7, in Bao Linh commune, Dinh Hoa district, the Ministry of Transport chaired and coordinated with the People's Committee of Thai Nguyen and Tuyen Quang provinces to organize the construction ceremony Ho Chi Minh City section Chu - Trung Son junction passing through Thai Nguyen and Tuyen Quang provinces. The Deputy Minister of Transport Nguyễn Duy Lâm, Mr. Dang Xuan Truong, Permanent Vice Chairman of Thai Nguyen Provincial People's Committee, leaders of agencies and units under the Ministry of Transport, departments and branches with a large number of local people of Thai Nguyen and Tuyen Quang attended the ceremony.

La Bang: Developing tourism associated with tea trees - Thai Nguyen News 6/6/2024

La Bang: Developing tourism associated with tea trees - Thai Nguyen News 6/6/2024

La Bang tea area was formed in the 30s of the last century. Being blessed by nature with a temperate and cool climate all year round, tea plants grow rapidly and become a traditional profession of the people here. In particular, in the past 2 years, when La Bang became one of the eco-tourism destinations and attractive experiences on the Thai Nguyen tourism map, the tea area and tea farmers in La Bang also took advantage to develop community tourism, contributing to spreading and strongly promoting the tea brand and the cultural identity of the land and people here.

Enhance security for money transfer transactions - Thai Nguyên News

Enhance security for money transfer transactions - Thai Nguyên News

According to regulation No. 2345 of the State Bank, from July 1, 2024, 100% of money transfer transactions with a value of over 10 million VND via banking applications will be required to undergo biometric authentication. This is considered a measure to help strengthen the security layer in banking operations, especially in the context of sophisticated fraud tricks that are still taking place every day, potentially causing a lot of damage to people.

Firefighting and rescue competition - Thai Nguyen 2024 – Thai Nguyen News 30/5/2024

Firefighting and rescue competition - Thai Nguyen 2024 – Thai Nguyen News 30/5/2024

Recently, at Vo Nguyen Giap Square, Thai Nguyen City, the Provincial People's Committee organized the Fire Fighting and Rescue Competition - Thai Nguyen province in 2024. Mr. Nguyen Thanh Binh, Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee, Head of the Organizing Committee attended the opening ceremony.

More training for artistic talents | Bản tin Tiếng Anh ngày 28/5/2024

More training for artistic talents | Bản tin Tiếng Anh ngày 28/5/2024

In recent years, Thai Nguyen province has always paid attention to the work of training and fostering cultural and artistic, thus improving the quality, professional qualifications and skills for the team of artists and performers, contributing to the socio-economic development of Thai Nguyen.

Strengthen advertising and trade promotion for agricultural products – Thai Nguyen News 23/5/2024

Strengthen advertising and trade promotion for agricultural products – Thai Nguyen News 23/5/2024

In recent years, promoting trade promotion activities has been one of the key tasks of the Thai Nguyen Provincial Cooperative Alliance to create conditions for Cooperatives and member units to promote and introduce products, search for consumer markets.

Đào tạo nhân lực số vì sự phát triển vươn tầm quốc tế -Thai Nguyen News

Đào tạo nhân lực số vì sự phát triển vươn tầm quốc tế -Thai Nguyen News

Thời gian qua, trường Đại học Công nghệ thông tin và Truyền thông, Đại học Thái Nguyên đã không ngừng đổi mới, nâng cao chất lượng giảng dạy để cung cấp cho thị trường lao động nguồn nhân lực bắt kịp xu thế của cuộc cách mạng 4.0 và chuyển đổi số hiện nay. Trong chương trình này, chúng tôi có cuộc trao đổi với PGS.TS Phùng Trung Nghĩa – Giám đốc ĐH Công nghệ thông tin và Truyền thông, Đại học Thái Nguyên để tìm hiểu về việc đào tạo nhân lực số của trường.

Humanitarian journey - Giving and receiving love – Thai Nguyen News 16/5/2024

Humanitarian journey - Giving and receiving love – Thai Nguyen News 16/5/2024

On May 14, at S1 studio of Thai Nguyen Radio and Television Station, the Provincial Red Cross Association held the launching ceremony of "Humanitarian Month" 2024 with the theme: "Humanitarian Journey - Giving and receiving love". Ms. Nguyen Thanh Hai, Member of the Party Central Committee, Party Secretary, Head of the Provincial National Assembly Delegation, representative of the Central Vietnam Red Cross Society, members of the Provincial Party Standing Committee, leaders of the People's Committee, The Provincial Fatherland Front Committee, departments, unions, households, and students in difficult circumstances attended the ceremony.

Thai Nguyen increases 2 positions in 2023 PCI - Thai Nguyen News

Thai Nguyen increases 2 positions in 2023 PCI - Thai Nguyen News

The Vietnam Confederation of Commerce and Industry (VCCI) in collaboration with the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) announced the report on the provincial competitiveness index PCI and the provincial green index PGI in 2023. With the efforts of the government from the province to the grassroots, Thai Nguyen continues to advance on the PCI index rankings in 2023.

Early lotus season in Thai Nguyen tea land - Thai Nguyen New

Early lotus season in Thai Nguyen tea land - Thai Nguyen New

When May comes, the lotus flowers begin to bloom. In Thai Nguyen, lotus has become a special product associated with the specialty of lotus-marinated tea. The first lotus flowers of the season, carrying the essence of the earth and sky of early summer, will produce the best lotus-marinated tea products. And it's even more special when these products are created by the hands of farmers in the most organic and handmade way.

Develop habit of reading books for children – Thai Nguyen News 7/5/2024

Develop habit of reading books for children – Thai Nguyen News 7/5/2024

Reading books brings many profits, helping each of us, especially children, to expand knowledge, improve skills, nourish the soul, and connect emotionally with relatives, family, friends, teachers, and society. Therefore, maintaining children's love for books and encouraging them to gradually form a reading culture is very important.

Building sustainable labor market - Bản tin tiếng Anh

Building sustainable labor market - Bản tin tiếng Anh

Although the economy of the whole country and Thai Nguyen province has faced many difficulties and challenges, with many synchronous and effective solutions, the labor market of Thai Nguyen province remains stable, thereby contributing to stabilizing social security and economic development of localities.

Thai Nguyen News 30/04/2024 – Inside Thai Nguyen

Thai Nguyen News 30/04/2024 – Inside Thai Nguyen

To improve quality of new rural construction | Bản tin Tiếng Anh ngày 25/4/2024

To improve quality of new rural construction | Bản tin Tiếng Anh ngày 25/4/2024

Determining the goal of striving to reach the new rural destination in 2024, the Party Committee, government, and people of all ethnic groups in Phu Luong district are actively implementing many synchronous solutions to soon realize this goal. To accelerate the progress of completing the criteria for the new rural district, Phu Luong is focusing on investing in infrastructure, upgrading agricultural and rural works, and making an important contribution to local socio-economic development.

Thai Nguyen News 11/04/2024

Thai Nguyen News 11/04/2024

  • Thai Nguyen organizes traditional new year (Bunbimay) for Lao students
  • Discharged soldiers supported in job creation
Bản tin Tiếng Anh ngày 9/4/2024 | A solid foundation for economic development

Bản tin Tiếng Anh ngày 9/4/2024 | A solid foundation for economic development

In recent years, many rural areas in Hoá Thượng town, Dong Hy district have formed clean, safe economic models, bringing high economic efficiency. One of the foundations for these models to develop sustainably is the capital of the Bank for Social Policies. It can be seen that policy credit has been an important fulcrum for people here to confidently get rich and build new rural areas.

Dong Hy: Strive to complete new rural construction on time – Thai Nguyen new 4/4/2024

Dong Hy: Strive to complete new rural construction on time – Thai Nguyen new 4/4/2024

Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee inspects the progress of the Glory golf course project

PAPI Index 2023: Thai Nguyen breaks out to rank 2nd in the country

Dong Hy: Strive to complete new rural construction on time

The main content is in the program.

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[Photo] Thái Nguyên treo cờ rủ trước ngày Quốc tang Tổng Bí thư Nguyễn Phú Trọng

[Photo] Thái Nguyên treo cờ rủ trước ngày Quốc tang Tổng Bí thư Nguyễn Phú Trọng

Trước ngày diễn ra Quốc tang, nhiều cơ quan, tổ chức và khu dân cư trên địa bàn tỉnh Thái Nguyên đã treo cờ rủ để tưởng nhớ Tổng Bí thư Nguyễn Phú Trọng. Tang ...
[Megastory] Tổng Bí thư Nguyễn Phú Trọng: Những dấu ấn trong lòng nhân dân Thái Nguyên

[Megastory] Tổng Bí thư Nguyễn Phú Trọng: Những dấu ấn trong lòng nhân dân Thái Nguyên

Sinh thời, Tổng Bí thư Nguyễn Phú Trọng luôn dành sự quan tâm đặc biệt cho cơ sở với những chỉ đạo, gợi mở giúp địa phương phát triển bền vững, đời sống người dân ...
Tổng bí thư Nguyễn Phú Trọng với Thái Nguyên

Tổng bí thư Nguyễn Phú Trọng với Thái Nguyên

Từ năm 2009 đến 2023, Đảng bộ và Nhân dân tỉnh Thái Nguyên vinh dự 3 lần được đón đồng chí Nguyễn Phú Trọng, trên cương vị Tổng Bí thư Ban Chấp hành Trung ương ...
Đồng chí Trịnh Việt Hùng được Bộ Chính trị chuẩn y giữ chức Bí thư Tỉnh uỷ Thái Nguyên

Đồng chí Trịnh Việt Hùng được Bộ Chính trị chuẩn y giữ chức Bí thư Tỉnh uỷ Thái Nguyên

Sáng 17/7, Tỉnh uỷ Thái Nguyên tổ chức Hội nghị công bố quyết định của Bộ Chính trị chuẩn y đồng chí Trịnh Việt Hùng, Ủy viên Dự khuyết Ban Chấp hành Trung ương Đảng, ...
"Quả ngọt" sau hơn nửa nhiệm kỳ: Dấu ấn quan trọng của quyết sách đúng đắn

"Quả ngọt" sau hơn nửa nhiệm kỳ: Dấu ấn quan trọng của quyết sách đúng đắn

Sau hơn ba năm thực hiện Nghị quyết Đại hội đại biểu Đảng bộ tỉnh lần thứ XX; Kế hoạch phát triển kinh tế - xã hội tỉnh Thái Nguyên giai đoạn 2021-2025, dưới sự ...
[Infographic] TP Thái Nguyên: Đầu tư 200 tỷ đồng xây dựng cảnh quan phía sau Quảng trường Võ Nguyên Giáp

[Infographic] TP Thái Nguyên: Đầu tư 200 tỷ đồng xây dựng cảnh quan phía sau Quảng trường Võ Nguyên Giáp

Nhằm hoàn thiện không gian cây xanh, cảnh quan, tạo nét mỹ quan đô thị, TP Thái Nguyên quyết định đầu tư 200 tỷ đồng triển khai thực hiện Dự án xây dựng cảnh quan ...
[Photo] Mùa sen về trên vùng đất đệ nhất danh Trà

[Photo] Mùa sen về trên vùng đất đệ nhất danh Trà

Nhắc đến trà Thái Nguyên nhiều người đam mê ẩm thực trà đã khá quen thuộc với các dòng sản phẩm như: Trà đinh, trà tôm nõn, trà móc câu…Vài năm gần đây có một ...

Chương trình phát thanh

Thời sự Chuyên mục Phát thanh giao thông Tiếng dân tộc