Ensuring construction order in industrial parks

Ensuring construction order in industrial parks

Thai Nguyen currently has 5/11 industrial parks in operation. To ensure construction order in industrial parks, in recent times, the Provincial Industrial Park Management Board has strengthened state management solutions in this field.
Revenue from tourism increases by 21%

Revenue from tourism increases by 21%

In the first 6 months of the year, Thai Nguyen Tourism industry welcomed nearly 1.9 million visitors, an increase of 9.6% over the same period last year. Revenue from tourism is estimated to reach 943 ...
Improving effectiveness of rural labor training

Improving effectiveness of rural labor training

Recently, the Committee for Ethnic Minority People's Council of Thai Nguyen province had a survey of the implementation of project 5 - Developing education and training, improving the quality of human resources under the National Target Program on Socio-economic Development of ethnic minorities and mountainous areas in Dai Tu district.
“Lotus tea” – A gift from nature

“Lotus tea” – A gift from nature

Born and grew up in Tan Cuong (Thai Nguyen City), attached to the tea tree since childhood, Mr. Le Son Hai (born in 1992) has always wondered how to preserve and develop the tea specialty of the homeland. After having graduated from the major in journalism at a university in Hanoi, he decided to leave the capital to return to his hometown in order to start a business on one-hectare tea hill of his family. With passion, enthusiasm, hard work and creativity, Mr. Hai has brought the delicious and pure taste of Tan Cuong tea mixed with the fragrant lotus scent of West Lake (Hanoi) to domestic and foreign consumers. See Dynamic Thai Nguyen to listen to Mr. Le Son Hai - owner of An Hai tea production facility about his passion for lotus tea and his efforts to bring the product "Lotus tea - a gift from nature” to everywhere.
The Street Art Program "Thai Nguyen - A radiant city in October - Mid-Autumn Festival of Tea land in 2023"

The Street Art Program "Thai Nguyen - A radiant city in October - Mid-Autumn Festival of Tea land in 2023"

The Street Art Program "Thai Nguyen - A radiant city in October - Mid-Autumn Festival of Tea land in 2023" is a unique cultural event that not only creates a highlight in promoting and introducing the image of the land, people, typical culture of Thai Nguyen city, but also an opportunity for people to enjoy attractive street performances, exchange and learn about traditional culture of countries around the world. Domestic and foreign performers think this is a great event. And you, how do you feel about this program?
Various activities to welcome the Mid-Autumn festival in Tea land

Various activities to welcome the Mid-Autumn festival in Tea land

In the joyful and exciting atmosphere to welcome the Mid-Autumn Festival of the whole country, this year, localities in Thai Nguyen province simultaneously organized interesting and meaningful activities which create a playground for local people to welcome a happy, warm and bustling Mid-Autumn festival. Follow Dynamic Thai Nguyen to look back at memorable Mid-Autumn images in 9 districts and cities in the area!
Mid-Autumn festival in Tea land in the hearts of international friends

Mid-Autumn festival in Tea land in the hearts of international friends

On the occasion of the 61st anniversary of Thai Nguyen City's founding (October 19, 1962 - October 19, 2023) and Mid-Autumn festival in 2023, Thai Nguyen city organizes the Street Art Program "Thai Nguyen – a radiant city in October - Mid-Autumn Festival in Tea land in 2023". The program has many attractive activities with the parade of nearly 60 creative artistic light models from agencies, units, businesses, schools and wards and communes in the area. In particular, there is also the participation of lamp models from Laos, Cambodia, Philippines, East Timor, and Nigeria, created by international students studying in Thai Nguyen. In addition, the audience can also enjoy an attractive, unique and impressive music party, along with street circus performances. The program is an opportunity for Thai Nguyen to promote its culture and landscape, attract tourists, and is also an opportunity for international friends to exchange and enhance mutual understanding. Watch Dynamic Thai Nguyen to know foreign guests share their feelings when participating in the festival in Thai Nguyen City!
Ngày hội Văn hóa Việt Nam - Hàn Quốc

Ngày hội Văn hóa Việt Nam - Hàn Quốc

Ngày hội Văn hóa Việt Nam - Hàn Quốc lần thứ nhất năm 2024 vừa diễn ra do Liên minh Hợp tác xã (HTX) tỉnh Thái Nguyên phối hợp với Hiệp hội Kinh tế - Văn hóa Hàn Quốc - Việt Nam (KOVECA) và Công ty TNHH Việt Hàn Showroom tổ chức với nhiều hoạt động sôi nổi và hấp dẫn. Ngày hội có nhiều hoạt động: Biểu diễn trang phục truyền thống Hanbok và áo dài Việt Nam. Ngày hội quy tụ 40 gian hàng xúc tiến thương mại của các Hợp tác xã, doanh nghiệp tiêu biểu trong và ngoài tỉnh và doanh nghiệp là khách mời đến từ Hàn Quốc. Ngày hội tạo môi trường giao lưu, trao đổi văn hóa giữa Việt Nam và Hàn Quốc.
Developing production and diversifying livelihoods to sustainably escape poverty

Developing production and diversifying livelihoods to sustainably escape poverty

The National Target Program for sustainable poverty reduction for the period 2021-2025 focuses on creating livelihoods for people by supporting through production models, suitable to the needs of farming level and strengths of the localities, creating leverage to help people escape poverty. In recent years, policy credit sources have made an important contribution in supporting production and diversifying livelihoods so that the poor in Dai Tu district have a solid fulcrum to escape poverty sustainably.
Dai Tu: Many remarkable results in poverty reduction

Dai Tu: Many remarkable results in poverty reduction

In 2023, based on the province's attention, with high determination, close leadership and direction of the Party Committee, local authorities and the participation of specialized departments and agencies, the companionship of associations in the area, Dai Tu district have achieved many remarkable results in poverty reduction.
Enjoy Tom non tea - Vietnamese Agricultural Gold Brand 2023

Enjoy Tom non tea - Vietnamese Agricultural Gold Brand 2023

With love for the tea plant and creativity in production labor, traditional tea craft village artisans in Tan Cuong - Thai Nguyen City have created quality tea products that meet OCOP standards and are loved by consumers around the country and abroad. Among the most popular Tan Cuong tea products is Tom non tea of Huong Van Cooperative. This product was recently recognized as "Vietnamese Agricultural Gold Brand in 2023". The delicious flavor of this tea is created thanks to meticulousness and compliance with strict regulations from growing, processing to packaging. Let watch Dynamic Thai Nguyen to learn about the process of creating this special tea and see how foreign friends feel when enjoying cups of national 4-star OCOP Tom non tea.
Creating motivation for rural industry development

Creating motivation for rural industry development

Along with policies to support economic recovery and development of the Government and the province, industrial promotion programs have been making an important contribution to rural industry recovering and developing. Up to this point, the 2023 Industrial Promotion Projects implemented through the Center for Industrial Promotion and Industrial Development Consulting, under the Department of Industry and Trade, have been accepted and put into practical application, initially bringing about practical results.
Guidance on some contents of urban development programs

Guidance on some contents of urban development programs

The Ministry of Construction issued Circular 06/2023/TT-BXD dated September 8, 2023 guiding some contents of the urban development program. This Circular guides the content, documents, organization, appraisal, approval, adjustment, publication and storage of urban development programs; Applicable to state management agencies, organizations and individuals participating in activities related to urban development programs.