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Construction of Ho Chi Minh Road Project, section of Chu - Trung Son junction – Thai Nguyen News 11/6/2024

11/06/2024 22:00
On June 7, in Bao Linh commune, Dinh Hoa district, the Ministry of Transport chaired and coordinated with the People's Committee of Thai Nguyen and Tuyen Quang provinces to organize the construction ceremony Ho Chi Minh City section Chu - Trung Son junction passing through Thai Nguyen and Tuyen Quang provinces. The Deputy Minister of Transport Nguyễn Duy Lâm, Mr. Dang Xuan Truong, Permanent Vice Chairman of Thai Nguyen Provincial People's Committee, leaders of agencies and units under the Ministry of Transport, departments and branches with a large number of local people of Thai Nguyen and Tuyen Quang attended the ceremony.

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