Phu Luong: Agricultural and forestry production value estimated to increase by over 20 billion VND

To achieve the above results, the district has planted high-quality hybrid and pure rice varieties with an area of 1,417 hectares, accounting for 57.5% of the total area. Along with rice, other crops (corn, beans, potatoes) and vegetables... all have the output increased from 1.2% to 3% over the same period last year, contributing to the total output. The district's agricultural output from the beginning of the year until now is 17,673 tons, equal to 102.1% over the same period and 54% of the year's plan. With this result, it is estimated that in the first 6 months of 2024, the agricultural and forestry production value of Phu Luong district is estimated to reach 678.6 billion VND, an increase of over 20 billion VND compared to the same period in 2023.