Direction of the Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee on organizing the 2024 Mid-Autumn Festival
Accordingly, organize cultural - artistic and entertainment activities to preserve and promote the good and unique cultural values of the nation, with an organization scale appropriate to the conditions and characteristics of each unit and locality; arrange funds, mobilize resources from organizations and individuals to give Mid-Autumn Festival gifts to children; Pay attention to children in special circumstances, children from poor households, relative-poor households, children from ethnic minority and mountainous areas, orphans, children with serious diseases, and children being treated at hospitals and medical facilities...; 100% of People's Committees of districts and cities organize the Mid-Autumn Festival on a district-level scale with main activities such as: Displaying and promoting typical local products, lantern competition, Mid-Autumn lantern procession, five-fruit tray display contest, organizing a fun Mid-Autumn Festival entertainment program, giving gifts to children in special and difficult circumstances in the locality...