In 2024, the province will have 2 communes registered to meet new rural standards, 33 to advanced new rural standards, and 12 to meet model new rural standards. To accomplish this goal, departments, branches, and People's Committees of districts and cities focus on leading, directing, building solutions, making specific roadmaps, and assigning tasks to each organization and individual to complete the criteria that have not been met or met but still at a low level. Timely develop plans and allocate investment capital to build centralized clean water projects, cultural buildings, and sports areas in hamlets and communes to meet required standards.

Thai Nguyen province strives that by the end of 2025, 97% of communes or more meet new rural standards, 40% of communes meet advanced new rural standards, and over 10% of communes meet model new rural standards.

Thai Nguyen: Strive for 97% of communes to meet new rural standards by 2025