Revenue from Thai Nguyen industrial parks increases by more than 30%

From the beginning of the year until now, export orders have improved significantly, increasing the revenue of enterprises in the province's industrial parks to 13.55 billion USD (up 30.58% over the same period last year); export value reached 10.45 billion USD (up 23.09% over the same period the previous year); the Budget contribution is estimated at nearly 2,000 billion VND. To support enterprises, the Provincial Industrial Park Management Board is focusing on implementing many tasks, such as: promoting the attraction of investment projects; advising and submitting to the Provincial People's Committee to allocate land in Song Cong II Industrial Park and Diem Thuy Industrial Park - Area A; supporting enterprises in recruiting workers; coordinating with departments and branches of the province to support enterprises to take advantage of commitments in FTA agreements to boost exports...