Over VND 8,600 billion to implement 21 traffic projects

As a result of public investment in the 2021-2025 period, the transport sector is implementing 21 projects, including 9 transitional projects from the 2016-2020 period and 12 new investment projects. The total medium-term public investment capital plan allocated for projects is over 8,603 billion VND. Through the implementation of projects, capacity will increase in the period 2021-2025 to a total of 160.6km; the length of completed construction from 2021 up to now is nearly 68km (new road is 9.2km, upgraded and renovated road is 58.3km). Thai Nguyen province has 11,445km of roads, of which 8 national highways passing through the area have a length of 328km; 21 provincial roads with the length of 384km; 159km of urban roads; 742km of district roads; 3,232km of commune roads and over 6,600km of other low-level residential roads.