Provincial Farmers' Association: Allocate VND 5 billion to support production development

Up to now, farmer associations at all levels in the province are managing more than 56.8 billion VND from the Farmer Support Fund; More than 1,200 households received loans to implement 121 projects and production development models in the province. This capital source has helped many farmers invest in expanding production scale, get rich, and many households become good production and business households at all levels; At the same time, promote the development of the association and the establishment of collective economic models. In 2023 alone, the whole province has over 55,240 households achieving the title of excellent production and business households at all levels. In addition, the association has guided the establishment of 15 new cooperative groups and 32 cooperatives, admitting 3,200 new members, bringing the total number of members in the province to nearly 162,000 people.