By 2025,

To achieve the goal of "People's satisfaction with administrative services reaching at least 90%" by 2025, Party committees and authorities at all levels of Thai Nguyen province continue to promote propaganda and dissemination, promptly deliver legal regulations to the people, especially guidelines and policies related to urgent needs; promptly resolve problems and issues that people are still frustrated about. Ensure information and necessary conditions for people to grasp, learn and participate in the development and implementation of local guidelines and policies. Implement well the set of indicators to direct, operate and evaluate the quality of service to people and businesses in implementing administrative procedures and public services in the electronic environment; Strengthen review, reduce and simplify administrative procedure regulations, promote decentralization in resolving administrative procedures so that individuals and organizations can minimize costs and time when resolving administrative procedures. Optimize the process of resolving administrative procedures based on the application of information technology; promote online payment; Digitize records, and results of administrative procedures and reuse digitized results.