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瑶族服装的艺术价值 – 三星级一乡一品OCOP 产品

15/08/2024 20:52






Artistic value in costumes of Dao ethnic people - 3-star OCOP product

The traditional costume is the culture of an ethnic group. Traditional costumes become even more important when integrating with the world. The Dao Lo Gang ethnic group is one of the few ethnic groups that still preserves their own cultural features because they maintain wearing traditional costumes in daily production work. Dao Lo Gang women in Bai Bong hamlet, Hop Tien commune, Dong Hy district teach their children to sew and embroider Dao costumes to preserve the cultural identity of their ethnic group.

Among the more than 380 thousand ethnic minorities living in Thai Nguyen, the Dao ethnic group accounts for about 30 thousand people. Hop Tien commune, Dong Hy district has 2 out of 3 of the population as ethnic minorities, mainly Dao people, belonging to the Dao Lo Gang group. This is the ethnic community with many long-standing customs and practices, rich in identity, in which traditional costume is a cultural highlight, vividly reflecting the life of the Dao people in Thai Nguyen.

Spending 5-10 million VND for a set of clothes (depending on the silver or aluminum jewelry material), you not only own a unique traditional Dao costume but also join hands to preserve and develop Vietnamese culture. In particular, in 2021, this product achieved 3-star OCOP certification - the perfect combination of tradition and modernity.

Your choice will contribute to the development of the community and region. Let's spread the traditional beauty and create wonderful stories from Hop Tien - a place that contributes to making a reputation of Thai Nguyen.